Changing dog food: How to get your dog used to new food

Feb 23, 2024Katharina Siekmann

A happy dog ​​requires the right diet with food that gives your pet everything it needs. If you decide to feed your dog a different food than what it is used to, there are a few things to consider. Today we will show you when and how you can best get your four-legged friend used to its new food and what you should pay attention to when changing puppies' food. We will also explain what problems can arise during the change and how you can solve them to make it as easy as possible for your dog to get used to the new food.

Why feed a new food?

The decision to change to a new food is not something that dog owners make lightly, as getting used to it can sometimes take time and therefore energy and time. Nevertheless, changing dog food is worth it: The right diet is just as important for our dogs as it is for us. Providing all the important nutrients such as minerals and vitamins is a prerequisite for a healthy and happy four-legged friend. At GREEN PAWLY, we provide everything your furry friend needs in our dog food - and add an extra portion of superfoods such as açai berries and spirulina on top!

How can I change my dog's food?

We have a few tips for you on how to best change your dog's food. The change depends mainly on whether you have already fed your dog dry food before or whether you want to switch from wet food to dry food:

Feeding new dry food:
If you already feed your dog dry food, switching to a new dry food is usually not a problem. To help your pet get used to the new food, you should change the food gradually. To do this, simply mix the new food into the old food and increase the proportion a little each day until you have completely changed the food. The speed at which you change the food depends on your dog, of course. Some four-legged friends get used to the new food quickly, while others take longer. If your dog has problems getting used to the new food, it is advisable to associate the food with something positive. To do this, you can feed the new food as a treat every now and then and gradually get your four-legged friend used to it.

Switching from wet food to dry food:
If you want to switch your dog from wet food to dry food, you should get him used to the new food little by little by replacing a little more of the old food with the new food every day. However, your four-legged friend may initially refuse the new food because of the different consistency. As with switching to new dry food, it is advisable to give your dog the dry food as a treat every now and then. This way he gets used to the taste and associates something positive with the new food. You should also make sure that your furry friend drinks more when switching from wet to dry food, as he no longer gets the liquid from the wet food. This can cause constipation in some dogs - you can find out about these and other problems when switching food under the heading Constipation and diarrhea after changing food.

Changing puppy food

If you want to change your puppy food, you should do it gradually, just like you would with adult dogs. Mix a little more of the new food into the old food every day. Our GREEN PAWLY dry food is also suitable for puppies thanks to the combination of all the important nutrients and the special cold-pressing process used to produce it. When feeding your puppy and your dog in general, you should not only pay attention to the change, but also when and how often you should feed your dog.

Constipation and diarrhea after changing food

Even if you have done everything right when changing food, problems can still arise. Some four-legged friends are more sensitive to the new food than others. This usually manifests itself in digestive problems such as diarrhea or constipation.

Some dogs may react to the change in food with flatulence and/or diarrhea. In this case, you should slow down the change. This way, you give your dog the opportunity to get used to the new food at his own pace. You should also make sure that your pet drinks enough water. Otherwise, there is a risk that the dog could become dehydrated.

Constipation in dogs often occurs when changing food from wet to dry. In this case, the dog lacks the liquid that was contained in the wet food. In this case, too, it is advisable to ensure that the dog has sufficient fluid intake!

If the digestive problems do not disappear after a short time without medical treatment, you should definitely consult a veterinarian to clarify the causes and rule out diseases.

Patience and the right food

Many owners often lack the patience to change their dog's food - this takes time and good observation skills. Pay attention to how your dog reacts to the new food and adapt the change accordingly. Every dog ​​has its own pace: some tolerate a change well, they have no problems with the new food. Other dogs need longer to get used to the change. It is important that you, as owners, recognize the needs of your furry friends and provide them with good, healthy and natural dog food. Thanks to the gentle cold-pressing process and the very low distribution of the natural ingredients, our GREEN PAWLY food is also suitable for dogs with sensitive digestion.

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