When and how often should I feed my dog?

Feb 23, 2024Katharina Siekmann

Our four-legged friends are close to our hearts and, as a full member of the family, we want them to be as happy as we are. In addition to sufficient exercise, lots of petting and contact with other dogs, the right diet for dogs is also important for a healthy and happy four-legged friend - starting with the "when?" and "how often?" of feeding:

How often should I feed my dog?

The first important point in dog nutrition that many owners ask themselves is when and how often they should feed their dog. Adult dogs are normally fed once or twice a day. In most cases, it is sufficient to feed your dog once a day, although we are specifically talking about adult dogs here - the correct puppy diet differs from these tips due to their special needs. However, there are some dogs and situations in which it is better to feed your dog twice a day:

1. Sick dogs
In some situations, however, dogs should be fed twice a day, for example when they are sick. In these cases, it is better to feed them smaller portions twice a day so as not to overstrain the dog's digestion. Of course, make sure you follow the vet's instructions regarding the amount and frequency!

2. Fast-eating dogs
If your dog always eats his food in a very short time, you should also give him food twice a day. This way, his stomach is not overloaded and has more time to digest the food.

3. Dogs that don't eat
Dogs that never finish their portions are less common than fast-eating dogs that devour all of their food within a few seconds. First, you should have the behavior checked by a vet. If there are no health reasons, it is recommended to divide the food and give the dog smaller portions of food twice a day. This way, the dog gets the calories it needs without subsequent pain - and in the best case scenario, you have to throw away less food.

4. Small dogs
Small dog breeds in particular should also be fed twice a day. Small dogs have a stomach that is relatively small for their daily energy intake. It is therefore advisable to feed them twice a day in order to provide your pets with enough energy and not to overburden their digestive organs.

5. With a lot of physical activity
Dogs that are very physically active have a higher energy requirement, just like people. To stay fit, they need to be provided with enough energy in the form of food. To avoid overtaxing your dog's gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to feed them twice a day.

6. Pregnant and lactating bitches
If your dog is pregnant, she should be fed twice a day. On the one hand, because she needs a little more food than usual due to her higher energy requirements. This also applies to bitches that are nursing their offspring - feeding the little ones requires energy, which you should give the bitch in the form of an extra portion of food. On the other hand, in pregnant bitches, the unborn puppies press on the bitch's stomach, so she can eat less food at once.

When should I feed my dog?

The exact time of feeding is of secondary importance for dogs. You can therefore adapt the feeding time to your daily routine without feeling guilty. Think about what time you are awake and at home in the morning and get your dog used to this feeding time. It is advisable to feed the dog after going for a walk! Unlike us, a walk after eating tends to lead to dogs being excited during feeding due to the anticipation of going for a walk and therefore gulping down the food more easily. Morning feeding can quickly lead to stomach problems. In addition, most dogs move a lot more when they go for a walk than we do on a normal walk - young dogs in particular play and romp around a lot. All that movement can lead to stomach problems with a full stomach, just like ours.

Feed dogs regularly

When feeding dogs, as with humans, familiar rituals in the form of fixed feeding times have proven to be useful. If you feed your dog once a day, this should happen in the morning. This will provide your four-legged friend with enough energy for the day. If you feed him twice a day, make sure that they are not too far apart. The second portion should be in the early evening. This will give the dog another little energy boost and it won't have to go to the bed with a growling stomach. At the same time, its stomach will have enough time to digest the meal it has eaten before going to sleep. In addition, fixed times and rituals have the same effect on dogs as they do on us: They give them security and the certainty of the next meal, thus preventing your dog from starting to beg.

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